264 Stories

Our Stories

on Sep 17, 23

We've helped 1000 women and families with a breast cancer diagnosis

Koha through The Good Registry makes a difference for thousands of people across Aotoaroa New Zealand each year, through our...

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on Sep 15, 23

How donations through The Good Registry help tackle food insecurity

Donations through The Good Registry support the essential mahi of our 65 charity partners right across Aotearoa. One of those...

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on Sep 07, 23

Celebrating birthdays with no stress, no waste, just good

By Kate Sheddan - Birthdays can be exciting, happy and sometimes daunting. They are all about celebrating life, accomplishments and...

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on Aug 27, 23

Getting "right in the feels" on Father's Day

By Truis Ormsby-Martin - I always know Father’s Day is near when advertising suddenly shifts to power tools and car care...

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on Aug 27, 23

Imagine a world where all children accessed safe water and sanitation

ChildFund believes in a world where every child, everywhere can access clean, safe drinking water and sanitation. A world where...

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on Aug 09, 23

Introducing our new intern, Kate Sheddan

Kia Ora! I’m Kate, The Good Registry’s newest communications intern and I couldn’t be more excited to get on board...

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