We champion more simplicity and kindness, and less waste
Here are some good stories we've appeared in, or been inspired by about good gifts, kindness, sustainability and impact.

The Good Registry
- The Dominion Post featured The Good Registry and our charity partners for their 2022 Christmas Appeal. The first article was about our team and our kaupapa (November 2022)
- In Part 2 of The Dominion Post's 2022 Christmas Appeal, they featured our charity partner Wellington Free Ambulance (November 2022).
- In Part 3 of The Dominion Post's 2022 Christmas Appeal, they featured our charity partner Lifeline (November 2022)
- In Part 4 of The Dominion Post's Christmas Appeal they featured our charity partner Bellyful. (December 2022)
- Part 5 of The Dominion Post's Christmas Appeal featured Project Jonah - a network or whale and dolphin rescuers across Aotearoa.
- The final article in the Dominion Post's 2022 Christmas Appeal celebrated the difference New Zealanders have made by gifting through The Good Registry
- The Powered by Impact podcast interviewed Our Chief of Good Christine Langdon about how The Good Registry makes an impact (December 2021)
- Purposely Podcast interviewed our Chief of Good Christine Langdon about how The Good Registry came to be, and what motivates her, and our team, to do what we do. Listen to the interview or read the transcript here. (September 2021)
- The Female Career podcast spoke with our Chief of Good Christine about how her career led her to co-found The Good Registry with her friends and former work colleagues Tracey and Sue. (March 2021)
- Up Your Brave is a video series with impact-driven people who are changing the world for good. Its founder Natalie Cutler-Welsh spoke with our co-founder and Chief of Good Christine Langdon about how we're amping up our impact. You can see their conversation here. (January 2021)
- A Kiwi Original - the podcast / video series created by Buy New Zealand Made - interviewed our co-founder and Chief of Good Christine about how The Good Registry came to be, the mission we're on, where and how we're getting traction, and some nice anecdotes about our givers and the joy of giving. (February 2020)
- The Project featured The Good Registry and one our Good givers The Co-operative Bank in an awesome piece about giving kindness instead of stuff at Christmas. (December 2019)
- The Flick Electric Co Blog spoke with us about how The Good Registry is helping to make Christmas more simple, sustainable and kind. (December 2018)
- Digital Boost created a video about how The Good Registry is 'doing digital great' - to help other organisations use digital tools to do more good too. (October 2021)
- The Spinoff wrote about how to give ethically at Christmas-time, with lots of good gift ideas, including giving through The Good Registry. (December 2018)
- The Denizen Magazine featured us in their Heroes Issue, alongside other 'Everyday Heroes' who are 'making our lives better, easier and brighter'. (May 2019)
- The Spinoff wrote about why The Good Registry is a better alternative to unwanted gift giving, and how we're channelling money that would otherwise be wasted to make a positive difference instead. (December 2020)
- The Impact Initiative website shared a profile on The Good Registry and the impact that we're having, alongside profiles of other NZ social enterprises (August 2018)
- The Good Stuff blog is all about ... good stuff! So we were stoked to feature in the blog, sharing our vision and some of our highs and lows so far. (April 2018)
- Daily Encourager Media (the place for inspiring and encouraging stories for a better NZ) wrote about The Good Registry's mission and the difference we hope to make (and are already making!). (March 2018)
- The New Zealand Herald wrote about the first child to pay forward her birthday through The Good Registry. Telise, 8, raised $309 for the SPCA! (December 2018)
- Stuff published a thoughtful column about the good that we can do through social enterprises like The Good Registry (October 2017)
- Stuff and the Sunday Star Times published a story about The Good Registry and one of our first givers, Louise Aitikin (October 2017)
- The Ruminator wrote a blog about the challenges of choosing gifts and how The Good Registry can help (October 2017)
Our Team
- Christine Langdon joined the kōrero on the Creative Welly podcast - Courageous Conversations with Bold Humans
- Christine Langdon spoke with Jemma Ross on the Spinach TV podcast about generosity, gratitude and The Good Registry's story (July 2023)
- Christine Langdon joined a conversation with Creative Welly - 'Creative Conversations with Bold Humans' (June 2023)
- Christine Langdon was interviewed about how gift giving can be more purposeful and good on The Purpose Effect podcast. (November 2022)
- Tracey Bridges was interviewed by Newsroom NZ about making the switch from a corporate career to social impact - something lots of NZers are considering right now! (April 2022)
- Our Chief of Good Christine Langdon was asked to share what she loves about Wellington with The Dominion Post. A big part of her answer: it's so brimming with goodness :) (March 2022)
- Christine spoke with Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand's Nine to Noon about the intersect between Christmas, kindness and conscious consumerism. (December 2020)
- The Wellington Hustle Interview Project spoke with our Chief of Good Christine about creating good change in the world - and the joy of gifting the power to do good. (March 2020)
- New Zealand's Weddings website had a chat with us about how couples can use their weddings to create some good karma :-) (May 2018)
- Our co-founder Christine Langdon spoke with Jesse Mulligan on Radio NZ about #GivingTuesday, how and why we get more joy from giving than getting, and the simple ways we can give (November 2018)
- Our co-founder Tracey Bridges talks about using your power for good (and why you probably have more power than you know!) on the Beyond Consultation podcast. (June 2022)
- Tim Jones 'The Grow Good Guy' chatted with our co-founder and Chief of Good Christine Langdon about purpose fuelled living and giving. You can watch the video here. (May 2021)
- Christine spoke with The Spinoff's Business is Boring Podcast, about how doing business and doing good is far from boring! (January 2021)
- The Conscious Action podcast interviewed our Chief of Good, Christine, about how to make giving more Good (November 2020)
- Our co-founder and Chief of Good Christine Langdon spoke with the Smile and Pod podcast about the importance of living on purpose, her experience of leaving 'dream jobs' to follow her heart, and how that led to The Good Registry, and all the Good we are doing. (October 2019)
- The Uncomfortable is OK podcast spoke with our Chief of Good Christine Langdon about how we're breaking through discomfort to bring more good and less waste to gift giving, and a bit of her own story (August 2019)
- The podcast TWICE (Talks with Innovators, Creatives and Enterprisers) chatted with our co-founder and Chief of Good Christine Langdon about how (and why) we are working to change people's giving habits, the challenges we've faced and some stuff we've learned so far. (March 2018)
Our Friends
- The Ākina Foundation and NZ Post 2022 Good Gift Guide featured great gifts from The Good Registry and some other Kiwi social enterprises. (Dec 2022)
- The Gen Less Low Carbon Gift Guide has some great tips and gift ideas for a more sustainable Christmas - including giving through The Good Registry. (November 2022)
- We also love Ethically Kate's sustainable Christmas gift ideas (which also includes our Good Gift Cards alongside lots of other wonderful ideas.)
- And the Sustainable Business Network Christmas gift guide for 'gifts that don't break the bank or the planet' :)
- MageBinary look after our website pro-bono - a massive gift to our kaupapa. They've written about our partnership on their blog. (November 2022)
- A great article on The Spinoff about our newest charity partner BirdCare Aotearoa, and the importance of the work they do (October 2022)
- Just like us, Gen Less believe we can make the world better by choosing to consume less. They profiled us in their Sustainability Series recently - so you can read about how our small actions for sustainability add up to a lot, or watch the video, where you will also meet our office cat! (July 2021)
- Gen Less wrote about how we can 'Say No to Wasted Energy' on Christmas Gifting, including questions to ask before buying, their top sustainable gifts, and how to save energy and spark joy at The Good Registry. (November 2020)
- Springload blogged about why they are championing a Green Christmas instead of a White one, and how we can rethink Christmas giving (December 2019)
- Cas Carter wrote in her column for Stuff about why she detests Christmas (We don't detest Christmas but we do agree with a lot of her points!). And she gave The Good Registry a shout out as part of the solution. (December 2018)
- Our fun and joyful branding was designed by Designfetti. We love it and think it sums up the joy of giving that we exist to create! If you're interested in how great brands are created, read how Designfetti created ours.