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Age Concern New Zealand
Age Concern New Zealand supports older New Zealanders to live great later lives, ensuring they can make the choices that best suit them and have access to the services and help they need.
Age Concern New Zealand stands up for the rights of older people and against ageism and discrimination. Dignity, wellbeing, equity, and respect for older people are Age Concern's guiding lights.
Their core areas of work are:
• Social Connections to combat loneliness and isolation
• Health promotion of nutrition, exercise and driver education
• Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention
• Advocacy for the rights of older people
• Policy and submissions on issues affecting older people
• Research
The difference your gift could make:
* $20 could enable an older person to attend six sessions of Age Concern’s exercise course for better strength and balance to help prevent life threatening falls; or it could help provide training material for a volunteer visitor to bring social connection to a lonely older person.