We are excited to be welcoming a new Trustee, Rebekah Swan, to The Good Registry Trust.
Rebekah is a top notch #GoodSort with a great track record in the business and philanthropic sectors.
We're delighted she's bringing her experience and passion to The Good Registry - and she's equally delighted to be joining us!
"It’s an honour to be involved with a passionate group of wonderful women dealing with issues close to my heart, minimising waste and giving a gift that keeps on giving," Rebekah says.
"New Zealanders are very generous people. I try to give more experiences than gifts that people don’t necessarily need or want. It pains me at the amount of waste that we are sending to our landfills and how many items aren’t reused, recycled or upcycled."
With her husband Simon, Rebekah has two awesome boys, Campbell and Hamish who are 11 and 8.
"As the boys are getting older we love more and more opportunities to get out and enjoy what New Zealand has to offer and to teach them about the environment and how their generation can play their part to keep our beautiful planet and New Zealand safe for their and future generations."
She has already given her children the experience of receiving and redeeming a Good Gift Card from The Good Registry.
"My children loved receiving their Good Gift Card and enjoyed researching the charities that resonated for them (with a few giggles along the way). It was a beautiful experience and lovely for them to learn thoughtfully about the causes, what they stand for and how they would allocate their gift card," she says.
"I’m not going to apologise for this, but many of my friends, family and colleagues just may be the recipient of The Good Registry's Good Gift Cards in the future, where they too can experience the joy of receiving a thoughtful gift and also experience the joy of giving to the causes that they are passionate about."
For her day job, Rebekah works at AMP Capital - a funds management business. Rebekah is part of the leadership team and says she gets to work with a really great bunch of people.
"I have responsibility for looking after our clients, new business, product, marketing, strategy and I’m also the Responsible Investment specialist for NZ, which is a huge passion of mine. We are very fortunate and get to work with a large number of different clients, many of whom are also charities."
Rebekah has been in the financial services sector for over 20 years and at AMP Capital for 17!
With another hat on, she is also involved with another not for profit, Women in Super. Their objective is to improve the financial literacy of New Zealand women, from preschool to post retirement, and also to provide a network for women in the financial services sector. They do this by providing funds for education programmes and initiatives such as GirlBoss, sponsoring teachers through finEd programmes and also running financial literacy sessions in schools.
Rebekah says The Good Registry Trust is a wonderful opportunity to work with a board where all of her loves and her personal values can be rolled into one.
"I’m thrilled to be on this journey with you and thank you for having me!"