Janisha Nathu has joined The Good Registry as a communications intern. She says the internship is helping fulfil a need to give, which was kindled on a trip to India. We asked her to share a little of her story.
Hi, I’m Janisha Nathu and I’m the new communications intern at The Good Registry.
I am a twenty-year-old Bachelor of Communication student at Massey University in Wellington. I am in my third and final year of my degree with a major in Communication Management and a minor in Linguistics.
I was born and raised in Wellington, but as you can probably tell from my name, my family originates from India, the state of Gujarat to be exact. My parents married in India and moved here to New Zealand and had my older sister, myself and my younger brother.
I have lived in Wellington all my life and have been on a few family trips around the world, which I am so grateful for. I love going on little getaways and experiencing new places with my family and friends. It reminds me how lucky I am to be able to call this cool and quirky little capital my home, while also being able to make fun memories in new places with my loved ones.
My favourite place I have travelled to would be India as I got to experience where my parents grew up. I would go as far as calling that trip life changing as I had not been exposed to such a contrasting environment from my own life before. I spent the majority of my trip in a village where my mum grew up with no direct cell or internet connection. It widened my eyes to how much I relied on technology and material items that were not necessary for living. I have always felt the need to give since.
I think that is why I was so drawn to The Good Registry and I love everything it stands for. I try to give back to local charities when I can, and I feel that by interning here, I am able to be part of a process that does a lot of good for a lot of different communities.
Two of my closest friends have recently had their birthdays, and as presents I gave them each a $20 Good Gift Card. I found it to be a super easy process, and my friends found it easy to use. They enjoyed the idea of money going towards a good cause instead of it being used for material items that would create clutter in their room.
I will be working at The Good Registry over the next three months while finishing my Bachelor of Communication degree. I am excited to put my skills to the test in an organisation that spreads the importance of being kind and spreading joy. I look forward to hearing and sharing the stories of people doing good.