on Sep 24, 18

Meet our good sorts!

We have a great team of good sorts helping us at The Good registry, so we would like you to meet them!

This week we are introducing Sam Yates, a digital performance specialist at Springload, which is an independent digital agency just up the road from us in Wellington. 

Sam currently manages our Google Ads account to optimise our reach on the internet. He helps us be accessible and noticed via Google search and helps to make sure our social media and digital efforts are used to effectively grow our audience. 

We have up to $10,000 a month to spend in Google Ads, thanks to a Google grant, and Sam says it is a challenge to use it all. Before he recently began managing our Google Ads, we had an account set up and running well but it only used $100 per month of that grant!

Although we are entitled to up to $10,000 a month, there are quite a lot of rules around how we can use that free spend.

Sam says, “I am managing that account and trying to use that entire budget, which is the challenge because in reality it is a large amount of Ad spend.”

Sam is the exemplar of a successful university graduate, having completed his degree in 2017 and already in a full-time job with Springload - one of the best digital agencies around. In university he studied marketing management and tourism management, which lends itself well both to the digital industry and to helping The Good Registry. 

Sam says that the main thing that gets him out of bed earlier than a university student, and into the office, is the type of work that Springload does. 

“Knowing that what Springload does is making a difference because the clients we have are focused on doing good, and if we’re helping them then we are doing good, is what gets me out of bed,” he says.

Sam has also been with The Good Registry from our very beginnings in some capacity. Touchtech (now merged with Springload) built our initial site, and Sam wrote a case study about that when we launched (when he'd just started with Touchtech). Now he is happy to have the opportunity to work with us again and go a bit deeper into our operations. 

He says, “I was involved before you had your whole first idea finished so now it’s cool to see you guys do better and to be at the point where I am building ads for you now is awesome.”

Sam believes in the environment and making a difference in our human impact on the world. This is why he supports The Good Registry’s mission to reduce waste. He also reflects this in his favourite charity on The Good Registry – Project Crimson.

Project Crimson is a charity that plants native New Zealand trees throughout the country to restore numbers of endangered plant species, such as the pohutakawa tree. 

A big thank you to Sam - and the team at Springload - for providing us with pro-bono support to help us reach more people so that we can do more Good.

If you would like to join Sam in supporting Project Crimson or any of our other 60 partner charities, have a look at our Good Gift Cards (a great gift for anyone!) and Good Gift Registries (a great way to pledge your birthday, wedding or other event to a favourite cause). 


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