on Sep 14, 18

Meet our good sorts!

We have a great team of good sorts helping us at The Good registry, so we would like you to meet them!

This week we are introducing Emma Howes, who is a data and optimisation specialist at Springload and does our analytics profile for The Good Registry. 

This sounds like a complicated job description, but when Emma explains what she does, it has a simple impact to understand. 

Emma says, “we optimise your website so that it can work efficiently and effectively to reach your goals. It is basically finding your problems and solving them – helping find the niggly tech issue and coming up with solutions.”

In essence, she uses Google Analytics to track the clicks on our website to see who our users are, what they are most interested in on our website and where they come from – whether they are from social media or straight onto the website. 

It is such useful information to have so that we can make sure to have content that our good givers love!

Emma says she feels good about supporting The Good registry because she believes in our message and thinks our model is great to use. 

“If you want to buy something for someone then why don’t you buy something that can help someone else. I don’t want useless stuff or stuff that isn’t useful or beneficial to me and that will just create waste,” she says. 

Emma is originally from Britain, but decided to travel and work in Australia and New Zealand for a change of pace and to see more of the world. She has loved working here so much that she got a working visa and is now a resident of New Zealand.

We hope she will stick around in New Zealand and continue to help solve problems for us and other organisations doing good in Wellington – it’s a big help!

There are about 60 charities on our registry – so there are plenty of causes to support. Emma had a tough time deciding on one charity she would love to support from our list, so she decided on a group of charities: womens’ wellbeing oriented charities. 

We have two partner charities that are all about supporting women: The National Council of Women and the YWCA Auckland. 

You can join Emma in supporting these wonderful charities doing worlds of good for our women (and lots of other good causes) by using our Good Gift Cards and Good Gift Registries

Happy giving! 

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