on Nov 21, 22

Let's turn Black Friday Green!

By Lara Brinsdon - Black Friday is getting a little bit scarier every year … and I’m not talking about fighting someone off for the last pair of half priced shoes or heavily discounted electronics. 

Black Friday is an annual 'celebration' of mass-consumption that follows Thanksgiving in America, and turns up the heat on pre-Christmas shopping around the world. It has some devastating effects on our planet, with reports stating up to 80% of goods purchased in Black Friday sales end up in the rubbish or poorly recycled. That is a terrifying statistic!

That's why at The Good Registry we prefer to celebrate Green Friday - A day all about making sustainable choices to benefit the planet, the community, and your well-being. We know this is important to New Zealanders too, as EY’s 2022 Future Consumer Index showed 40% of New Zealanders were prioritising the environment in products they chose to buy. In our own recent research, 54% of people told us they don’t want or need more stuff: they have everything they need. 

Green Friday can help make an impact against the thousands of tonnes of CO2 emitted to fuel the mass sales, and the number of products ending up in landfill soon after. As consumers change their behaviour, companies listen and change their behaviour to meet our needs. Saying no to empty deals, and yes to purposeful, sustainable spending makes this message clear!

There’s no need to feel guilty for waiting for a sale on something you’ve been wanting to buy for a while. However, it’s best to avoid shopping just for sales, as you’re likely to buy items you don’t need while the planet still has to pay the full price.

So how can you make this Black Friday more Green? 

  1. If you’re just going to hunt for sales (and not for stuff you really need), consider giving the stress a miss - spend some time relaxing outside with friends instead. 
  2. Check out your local op-shops for alternatives to new items - Chances are prices will be even lower than any sale.
  3. Many sustainable and New Zealand made brands will be having sales too - have a deeper dig for a sustainable deal first.
  4. Avoid impulse purchases - If you see something you want, take a break with a nice walk and come back if you still want it - deals can be like rose-coloured glasses!
  5. If you’re going to shop for Christmas presents - reduce the stress on you and the planet by checking out The Good Registry’s Good Gift Cards instead. In a few minutes you can have a sustainable gift for someone, that will never be wasted!

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