on Aug 09, 23

Empowering change: How Conservation Week encourages Taking Action for Nature.

By Olivia Fraser - Conservation week! Let’s hear it for our flora and fauna, oceans, forests, lakes, rivers and famous, cheeky, lovable birds! The undoubtable stars of international tourism campaigns, the vistas that we dream of when we are overseas, and the vibrant greens and blues that take our breath away when we return. Precious taonga, perfect, but fragile, ecosystems. 

NZ Conservation week, 14th- 20th August, is empowering change and support in preserving our ecosystems by its theme this year of; Aotearoa, Take Action for Nature!

If you’ve not considered your role recently in being guardians or kaitiaki of the natural world that surrounds us here in NZ, this is a wonderful chance to engage and take action in aiding our very special natural environment. 

NZ Conservation week has activities planned throughout the country, which you can find out more about here. With a diverse range of activities on offer, including art exhibitions, planting days, storytimes, pub quizzes, seed swaps, there’s something for every age to get involved in, and if you’ve got an idea for an event, add it in too! 

In ‘taking action’ we’d like to highlight the incredible and important work that our charitable partners do to conserve and protect NZ’s natural resources. The Jane Goodall Institute, Trees that Count, Sustainable Coastlines, Project Jonah, Para Kore and BirdCare Aotearoa all work tirelessly ‘taking action’ every week. If you’re searching for a way to ‘take action’ for conservation week, then supporting their initiatives through our gift vouchers on The Good Registry are a quick and easy way to mark NZ Conservation week.  Then, head outside to enjoy our natural paradise, find a bush walk nearby, head to the beach (and take a bag to collect any plastic or rubbish on the way!), get out and amongst the birdsong. 

Deep breath in. Yep. Worth taking action for. 

NZ Conservation week: Aotearoa, Take Action for Nature.

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